
Please send me a DVD so I can share it with my students. I will share it with whoever I can, and convince people to show it. With this project you have truely made a difference in the lives of hundreds of young women. I saw you on the Montel Williams show and was very impressed with your maturity and your dedication to helping others. You have no idea the ripples you have started with this project and I hope you ladies have a wonderful and fulfilling life for all the good you have done.

Hi there, I watched "Just Yell Fire" last night with my 13 year old daughter at a viewing held by REACH of Macon County, North Carolina. This is a tremendous service you are performing - thank you so much for taking action and giving girls (& women) a valuable tool to protect themselves. Thanks so much!

Hello, I just finished watching Just Yell Fire. I heard about it on the Clark Howard Show and decided to check it out. I am a Supervisor for a Juvenile Detention Center, in Quincy, Illinois and I work with females from 10 - 17 years of age. I think this would have such an impact on them. I would like a copy of your DVD for the Detention Center. I will definately pass this information on to all those that I know could benefit from this film. Your daughter and her friend did an excellent job, thanks for informing the public that this is out there.

Thanks Again

Hello! I have donated to your organization, Just Yell Fire...having stumbled across it during a search for information on how to teach my daughter to protect herself from assault. I have to say that your organization is fantastic and I only wish what you teach would be mandated and required curriculum in EVERY SCHOOL!

Hi there! I can't believe your story about how this film got started. But it's amazing. Congratulations on your successful journey, and by helping so many teen girls. But not only are you guys helping out young teen girls, you are helping out adult women. I myself, like so many others have been victimized by sexual assault. The ones who hurt me were never charged. I have two little girls, ages 3 and 8 months, and of course they are so young, I want them to have the opportunity to be able to protect themselves as they grow into adults. By having this video I will be able to help protect them, my nieces, and also my sisters and any other woman I have in my family and friends. I seen you guys on Montel today, and I cried, and cried. It's amazing what you can do if you really want to promote change. I'm so proud of you both, being a mother like I said, I pray to God each and every second that my girls will be just like you guys. Wanting to change things for the better.

My heart goes out to you and your crew for what you all have done.
Thank you again, but remember one thing that I tell my friends who have been hurt... You are NOT a victim, you ARE a survivor inside and out.

With love always, and forever!

Please forward this to all corporate officers and board members:

As a mother of two young girls, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of such a worthy endeavor.

As a citizen of the United States of America and the great State of Oregon, your corporate sponsorship is a beacon and model to all other corporations that giving of corporate funds to the community is not only a duty of the corporate sector, but truly the backbone of what makes America such a great and noble country.

Directly due to your actions, not one, but many and even, perhaps, thousands of girls will be empowered by, "Just yell Fire!" and their lives spared from pain and even death.

As leaders of this corporation, you should be proud of your company, just as a parent is proud of a child.

Thank you for fulfilling the dreams of these young women to make a difference and save people all over the world from these horrible crimes.

First off I would like to thank you for volunteering your time to help save teenage girls against predators. Your dedication to assist in making the world a safer place is a great asset to our Country. THANK YOU!!

What I am interested in is sharing this Just Yell Fire DVD with our School Resource Officer(s) and of course with family members of my own. I think the video will show girls that it is ok to fight off a predator and though fear may try to take over they will more than likely be better off if they over come the fear and fight for all they are worth.....

I would like to receive a minimum of 10 DVD's. I do not mind purchasing the DVD's from you, or donating a set amount to your non-profit organization. Please let me know what you would like for me to do.

Again, thank you for all you do and if I can be of any assistance please let me know.

I'm the Exec. Assist. at the Sexual Assault Survivors' Centre Sarnia-Lambton, in Sarnia Ontario. I saw the article in the latest issue of In Touch.

We are always searching for quality, up-to-date resources for our clients. Thank you very much - believe me, this DVD will help the many clients we have coming into our centre.

This morning I had the good fortune of checking in on the "everything self-defense" blog by Tom Callos. I must say it was a pleasure to view "Just Yell Fire". I can't believe that I have never come across this tremendous piece on women's self-defense. Your daughter, Dallas and her friend are truly ambassadors on a subject that is only taken to lightly.

I have been teaching martial arts and situational self-defense since 1978. Only since 1997 has my school focused on the anti-abduction of children and the protection, rape prevention, and quick escape for women. We have implemented much of the information that is offered on this DVD through sources such as John Hall's "Date Escape" and Tony Blauer's "Rape Prevention".

The key that makes "Just Yell Fire" so solid is "who" is presenting this film. The two girls, the police officer, and Dallas' instructor give the targeted audience a much better presentation. It will be so much easier for girls and parents to pay attention and to stay interested.

I truly look forward to scheduling and evening with daughters and parents so that we may view "Just Yell Fire" together. I'm not sure if it's possible for me to download and burn the video to DVD. But I will give it a try and I look forward to sending as many parents as possible to your website.

Hi, I watched you guys on the Montel Williams show, and I thought this was the best thing anyone has ever done. Especially for females. Thank you so much.