
I saw your segment on the Montel show and was quite impressed. I am eager to share it with as many young girls and women as possible. I am so proud to know that we have such bright and pro active young people. I encourage you to continue to make your project known. I will do everything in my prower to spread the word.

I also plan to screen the video for as many women as possible we all need to know how to protect ourselves, and should know what to do in case of an attack

Please forward this to all corporate officers and board members:

As a mother of two young girls, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of such a worthy endeavor.

As a citizen of the United States of America and the great State of Oregon, your corporate sponsorship is a beacon and model to all other corporations that giving of corporate funds to the community is not only a duty of the corporate sector, but truly the backbone of what makes America such a great and noble country.

Directly due to your actions, not one, but many and even, perhaps, thousands of girls will be empowered by, "Just yell Fire!" and their lives spared from pain and even death.

As leaders of this corporation, you should be proud of your company, just as a parent is proud of a child.

Thank you for fulfilling the dreams of these young women to make a difference and save people all over the world from these horrible crimes.

I was so impressed with the Just Yell Fire video that a few weeks ago I brought it to the attention of one of the guidance counselors at our local high school, Hinsdale Central High School, Hinsdale, Illinois. I got word from him today that he had shared the video with the school's physical education and health teachers. They thought it was great and they have decided to use it in their classes.

It's awesome what you have done. I'm 55 years old, and I have watched the statistics my whole life. I was traumatized when I was young, too, and it is astounding how many young girls have uninvited sexual advances made toward them, not to mention being raped or murdered. Thanks you for your work. You know how important it is.

Besides being the mother of four daughters and one son, I am a retired Crime Scene Investigator. I'm very aware of the crimes and devastation of sexual assault cases, kidnappings and murder. My 13 year old son is a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo, a black belt in Ki Gum Do (Korean sword), and a black belt in Hwa Rang Do. My 12 year old twin daughters are 2nd degree black belts as well. However, I still fear that they would "panic" if confronted with an abduction situation. I found this video to be a fantastic tool to reinforce all they have been taught. Congratulations! Keep up the great work. If this saves just one person's life, it's worth it's weight in gold. You should be very proud of yourselves!

I think what you are doing is great, I am proud to live in a world where there are still people out there who care. I am gonna hang on to this cd for my daughter for when she gets a little bit older. Thank you!!!

Hi. I am a member of the Sexual Assault Task Force in Morehead, Kentucky. I saw your write up in the In Touch magazine and went to your website. I think what you did is amazing and the reason why I am emailing you is because I would really like to have this on DVD so the task force can use it during speeches and activities that we plan throughout the year to raise awareness in our community.

I just watched the 'Montel Williams Show' and saw your segment. I was very impressed with the young girls and their inspirational story. I have a young daughter who we talk to on a regular basis about what to do in an emergency situation, along with weekly classes of karate. Unfortunately for her father and I we may have more reason to be overly protective of our kids...almost eight years ago my husband's sister was kidnapped and later found murdered, the killer still remains unknown. I feel that this DVD could bring us comfort in knowing that if faced with a dangerous situation our children would have a better advantage of getting away safely!

Thanks for your story and God bless you for sharing this with the nation!

I saw you on the Montel Williams show the other day. Wow, what a blessing you two are. I sure wish that I could have seen something like that when I was in my early teens. I have a 12 year old daughter and a 14 year old son. Thank you so much for your time and ambition. I am sure there will be many lives saved through watching this. Thank you!!!

I am very impressed and thank you for what you are doing, the world need more people like you. Thanks from a father of a 6-yr-old girl.