
"Thanks so much to Chad and Just Yell Fire for their great training session. I really enjoyed the course and believe the course will really benefit our young women in the community. The concepts are easy to remember. I look forward to passing on the techniques I learned."

I say "kudos" to you girls from making this video. I have three daughters and I cannot tell you how important this subject is to me. I also have four nieces. When I saw you girls on Montel Williams on Friday, I was totally impressed. I wish my sister had seen this video when she was younger. She was grabbed on her way to school. She was almost forced into a car while walking to school. She was only 14 years old. Thank God everything truned out ok.

I cannot even imagine how many lives you have changed since the video. I will definitely put it to good use. I can guarantee that everyone who has a daughter, niece, granddaughter, girlfriend or what have you, will sleep a little better at night because of what you girls hae done.

Thank you so much for all of your efforts on trying to stop things like this from happening to any other of the girls out there.

Dear Maggie, I just wanted to thank you so much for making this available to everyone and free no less. I am a 37 year old Mom of 5. In 2004 when my last child was 4 days old I noticed a neighbor girl riding her bike outside my home in a small community in Illinois. She stopped to take a drink of her water and I saw a man get out of his car and try to take her off her bike. I knew this little girl who was 8 at the time for most of her life, and I knew I didn't know this man. I ran outside yelling and he fled. By God's grace I happened to look over and got his licence plate number. Unfortunately he left my home and 45 min. later (presumably) kidnapped and raped a 13 year old. He then was caught the next day and is still in jail awaiting a trial. My point is this 8 year old is always very assure of herself, but when this happened she didn't even yell, and having 3 girls of my own, I need them to know how to be prepared. I have lived in my community all my life and never thought that this would happen here but it did, and I was very comfortable in thinking that. Thank you for caring about our children, and helping everyone feel like they don't have to be a victim, but to be secure in knowing that they can be prepared and protect themselves if need be.

The DVD is a great Help, our 19 cheerleaders were impressed, they talked things over..we got in a big circle and then we practiced all the hits/kicks/ and we had a black belt from our YMCA come in and he held their arm, they all got away, it was the most fun I've had in a long time, and I was proud of the girls for putting effort and concentration into what they were doing. I think they learned what they needed to learn.

Katherine and Dallas, I am very proud of the effort you have made to make all of this a reality.

Just sort of off the cuff, Maggie, I got to thinking today about how doctors and inventors also do things to benefit the public, but they don't give their services or ideas away for free. For what you and your wonderful Dallas have done, you deserve to be multi-millionaires. JYF is a priceless gift for all of mankind! For it, I'm truly sorry that the proper gratitude it deserves can only be expressed in the old cliché that no words in the English language are sufficient enough; no word, no phrase. To me, this is one of less than maybe a handful of ideas since time immemorial that will prove to have such a thorough, beneficial impact on mankind.

Besides being the mother of four daughters and one son, I am a retired Crime Scene Investigator. I'm very aware of the crimes and devastation of sexual assault cases, kidnappings and murder. My 13 year old son is a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo, a black belt in Ki Gum Do (Korean sword), and a black belt in Hwa Rang Do. My 12 year old twin daughters are 2nd degree black belts as well. However, I still fear that they would "panic" if confronted with an abduction situation. I found this video to be a fantastic tool to reinforce all they have been taught. Congratulations! Keep up the great work. If this saves just one person's life, it's worth it's weight in gold. You should be very proud of yourselves!

I work for a domestic violence rape crisis center in Bloomsburg PA. I watched a borrowed copy of your video entitled "Just Yell Fire" and thought our agency may want to incorporate your video into our prevention education programs for girls and their parents. Thank you for an extremely powerful video. The statistics are haunting. I plan to show your website to my two 13 year old nieces and encourage them to watch your video.

You may be young, but your wisdom far reaching women in their 40's! Just wanted to send you a shout out from Kansas City, Kansas, and to let you know I will pray your program continues to build up young women in our society! We are more than objects of affection. We are people created by GOD. Stay blessed dearheart and know your words are saving the lives of several young and "older" women, too.

I was searching online for something about young people changing the world in order to inspire a young friend. I discovered and ordered Dallas' book, which I'm reading before I give it to my friend! Then I found out about JYF. OMG. Many, many congratulations to Dallas - wow, wow, really, really wow!

Best wishes for the continuation of JYF long, long into the future.