
My daughter really likes the DVD's and has shared them with her friends. Jen has also showed your 45 min. video to her 7th grade social studies classes. She actually heard back from a few "moms" thanking her for sharing it with the students!!

A few days ago I watched Montel on TV and on the episode they talked about "just yell fire". I was so impresed by what the girls had done that I downloaded the move from your webbsite. I write this email to tell you how fare the move has gone and that I will tell all my friends about it.

I think it is an incredible thing what these girls have done. If any of them wants they are free to contact me by email, or if they don't want to do that I just want to send them all my luck and blessings.

You are an inspiration

I just saw you on the Montel Williams show and I wanted to tell you that I think you guys have done a wonderful thing! Thank you all for taking the time to make a film like this! Hats off to you all for giving your time and for opening your hearts to make sure that others know what to do in these situations.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart and double thumbs up on doing a wonderful job!

You guys are awesome, I can't wait to get my dvd and start studying all those fantastical tips on how to defend myself and all my girlfriends. Everyone needs one of these dvds!!!!

I've just spent my whole weekend to watch this superb film. I've just emailed all my friends and family this film so they could watch it too and teach their children the useful information. I always wanted to go to courses in how to defend myself but just haven't got around to doing it. Now I'm going to have a Just Yell Fire-evening with my girlfriends to practice and to talk about the film.

Thank you so much for doing this film!

Dallas and her friend are to be congratulated for their parts in coming up with the idea, and seeing it through to fruition, with the help of all the generous people who came aboard. I know you are very proud of her and rightly so!!

Besides being the mother of four daughters and one son, I am a retired Crime Scene Investigator. I'm very aware of the crimes and devastation of sexual assault cases, kidnappings and murder. My 13 year old son is a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo, a black belt in Ki Gum Do (Korean sword), and a black belt in Hwa Rang Do. My 12 year old twin daughters are 2nd degree black belts as well. However, I still fear that they would "panic" if confronted with an abduction situation. I found this video to be a fantastic tool to reinforce all they have been taught. Congratulations! Keep up the great work. If this saves just one person's life, it's worth it's weight in gold. You should be very proud of yourselves!

My daughter is about to go to college and I am interested in your DVD. I would like to give her some skills to avoid an unwanted encounter. I myself was the victim of an assault during my sleep; fortunately, I woke up and my instincts took over to fight back. My attack could have been much worse as many of his victims didn't make it and were permanently disfigured.
Best of luck with your cause, it is an awesome one.

I was so excited to hear about the DVD - "Just Yell Fire". The reviews are excellent. I look forward to receiving the DVD and utilizing the information to help teenage girls with self defense. Thanks so much for your consideration in this matter!

As a former Police Officer and having approximately twelve years in security and law enforcement; I applaud your organizations efforts to teach girls and young women how to defend themselves against predators.