
I just wanted to update you and let you know that we are teaching Just Yell Fire in our HS PE classes, and the girls are loving it! Thanks again for helping us to get started.

Watched the DVD last night with my daughter. She enjoyed the insight and tips provided. She will be having some of her friends over to watch as well. She is talking about taking it to school and asking the counselor if she can show it to other female students!

Thank you so much for this project.

I just finished watching "Just Yell Fire". It was a very powerful statement for the rights of young women to be safe! Thank you.


White County Ninth Grade Academy

I am wrapping up the semester and showed your story again. I talk to my students about finding a voice, being empowered etc. My goal is to get them to realized the power they have through the tools we learn in my class.

Anyway, after we got done talking about you and others who have found a voice, I let them log onto your website and encouraged to look at "Just Yell Fire", we had already talked about the video's origins and message. At the end of class a very quiet 8th grader who never really speaks out much came up to my desk.

"Do you know how fast they can send the video? I am going to be moving soon."

Maybe that doesn't have the impact for you that it had on me. I have no idea what her personal story is, but the really timid girl making such an inquiry made me wonder.

I don't know how long videos take to ship. But I happily gave her mine. She was stunned and looked at it and then me with a wide eye, then said thanks and walked back to her seat still looking at it.

It was a nice moment, just wanted to share.

Thanks for who you are and what you stand for.

Thank you so much for everything that you have done with your involvment in 'Just yell fire'. I have a 13 year old daughter with a bunch of very close friends. As soon as we get our d.v.d. we will be having a pizza night with them all and watching "JUST YELL FIRE". The world needs more people like you.

I saw you on the Montel Williams show the other day. Wow, what a blessing you two are. I sure wish that I could have seen something like that when I was in my early teens. I have a 12 year old daughter and a 14 year old son. Thank you so much for your time and ambition. I am sure there will be many lives saved through watching this. Thank you!!!

I wish my parents had been as safety minded. I was ninteen when I encountered a stalker at work. I had moved from home to attend college and worked part-time. This stalker harassed me at work, followed me to my apartment and charmed his way inside. He raped me. I didn't know to file a police report, go to the hospital to document the rape, or file a restraining order against this individual. The trauma of the rape and fear of how my father would react kept me from saying anything. Thank you, for preparing a DVD that shows self defense moves and safety issues.

I saw you on the Montel show, and think what you are doing is absolutely great, and very important. I am a Senior Master Police Officer with the Helena Police Department in Helena, Mt. I have downloaded your movie and will be giving copies of it to the school resource officers in our high schools and middle schools. This is very important information, and it is awesome for you to undertake this project. Thank you from all of us in the law enforcement profession, It is things like this that make all our lives easier, and the lives of others safer.

I saw your segment today on Montel, and it touched me. My husband and I work for a state Dept of Corrections and deal with some of these offenders on a daily basis. I am always left wondering how their victims are coping. I was so excited to see a project of this magnitude from the next generation. We have four young children of our own and want to get the DVD to have to show to them on a regular basis. More than anything I just want to thank you for having the courage to step up and help other young people protect themselves. Thank you and congratulations on being such fine young women.

Thank you Dallas for having these helpful dvd training programs. I have 2 daughters and these will bring more awareness to the danger that's out there. Keep up the good work. I applaud everyone involved in making this program, again thank you so much for all the hard work you all have put in.