
Thank you. I saw what you girls do on a tv show just last week. It's amazing that you all are taking time to inform young ladies on what to do. I myself am 25 but women my age and older need to be just as informed as teens because a man or woman can try to over power us just the same. Being aware of ways to assist in attack is life saving and I appreciate what you ladies are doing. Thank you again. God bless.

I think what you are doing is great, I am proud to live in a world where there are still people out there who care. I am gonna hang on to this cd for my daughter for when she gets a little bit older. Thank you!!!

You are my role model

I just happened to stumble across your website when I was on google, and the words "Just Yell Fire" caught my attention. Once I was on your website and saw what it was about...well words can't really describe how I felt! I live in the state of Georgia and I'm in 7th grade, but you'd be surprised to know about alot of the stuff that's happened at my school. Well one day I went to school only to find out that my best friend was almost raped that past weekend. And I was so scared for her because I myself have been in that situation before. And after seeing this...I have alot of respect for you (this coming from a 13 year old)

And I'm proud of you for going out and actually doing your best to make a difference in the world! Because all over the world girls are constantly being put into a position where their first natural instinct is to panic, and they don't know what to do. All they know is that they are being assaulted but with your help and inspirational video women can know that they can go out and not be scared because they automatically know now what to do if placed in a frightening situation like the one's in your video. Now thanks to you women can fight back without being scared that a man twice their size can overpower them. Because finally women have a system that will work everytime in any assault situation. And I would like to personally thank you for starting this non-profit organization "Just Yell Fire" for women in need all over the world.

Also I'd like to congradulate you for your awards. And it's funny, because most kids have a role model that's a celebrity, but I can honestly say that Dallas, you are my role model and I wish that I was able to make as big a difference as you! Oh and by the way, I'm definitely going to be telling just about everyone I know about "Just Yell Fire"

Thank you so much for taking this issue to heart and acting on it! I am a rape survivor. 26 years later I am the wife of a minister and mother of 5 - two of them girls. I was sitting at my desk today with my back to the TV. It was really only on for "ambient noise". I was engrossed in my task at hand - literally making my written plan for a group I am starting for survivors of sexual abuse and rape. When I heard your segment on the Montel show today my blood ran cold at the divine timing. (Obviously your appearance on this date in July was a second run) I can't describe the feeling of empowerment I had listening to you girls! I am humbled by your passion for your mission. Perhaps I didn't know what to do all those years ago but my daughters will- thanks to strong young women like you! And for those of us (and we are many) who have lived with this horrible crime I will continue to share my story so that other women can regain their lives.

You young ladies have my utmost admiration and respect for your commitment to protecting other girls like Carly Bruscia and the countless others who don't make the national news. May God bless you richly for your compassion. You have certainly used the gifts He has given you for His glory!

While working out at the gym today, I saw your organization's segment on the Montel Williams show. On the TV next to the one showing your segment was a news report on Fox News showing an 18 year old girl that was just abducted from a Target in KS. My daughter was working out at the gym with me. I would like to request one of your DVD's for her. I want her to have the information that she needs to help her know what to do if she ever finds herself in that kind of situation.

I learned about this DVD just one day after they arrested a man who raped an 11 year old girl close to our neighborhood in Olympia. I have a 12 year old girl and want her to be prepared to protect herself.

Just dropped in to salute your work. I'm with you. I'm doing my second year under graduate in Chennai, TN, India. If there s something I can do for this cause, I m ready to. Salute once again n keep going. My wishes to you.

I saw your information on the back of my Doritos bag and it was like a sending from above. What you are doing is so amazing. And I appreciate it so much. The neighbor hood I live in is not safe at all, and neither is the place I work. Guys view girls as just their next crime victims, and it frightens me.I could not believe my eyes when I read the back of my Doritos bag. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. A million times thank you.

Give us the power, the ability to defend ourselves and live.

I am a junior at Gettysburg College in PA. I don't know if you have been watching the news lately, but there has been a murder on our college campus last Thursday. One student (a male senior) strangled and murdered his (ex-)girlfriend of one year (a sophomore). It really shook our campus hard, along with myself, even though i did not know either one that was involved. After breaking down a little tonight, i realized, crying was not going to change the past; nor prevent incidents, assaults, nor murders like this from happening again in the future.

What will? Taking action!

I found your contact information after googling 'self defense for women classes' and wanted to get in contact with you right away. I was hoping you could hold self defense classes for female students, or any woman (faculty, staff or students) on our campus to help protect us if we were to ever get ourselves in this type of situation. It is very scary to know that an innocent 19 year old young woman was strangled, stabbed and murdered by someone that loved her for a year. Not even a stranger, or a crazy drug addict rapist on the street! Her boyfriend! Someone she trusted and loved! How scary is that? She was not able to get away, she was not able to defend herself. She died because of that.

But you... you have the power to give us woman that power. You have the ability to give us woman the ability to defend ourselves. To win. To live. And to help with our recovery of her death on our campus. I believe that immediately holding these self defense classes on our campus will prove that Emily Rachel Silverstein did not die in vain.

Please help me, help us. Give us the power, the ability to defend ourselves and live.

Just sort of off the cuff, Maggie, I got to thinking today about how doctors and inventors also do things to benefit the public, but they don't give their services or ideas away for free. For what you and your wonderful Dallas have done, you deserve to be multi-millionaires. JYF is a priceless gift for all of mankind! For it, I'm truly sorry that the proper gratitude it deserves can only be expressed in the old cliché that no words in the English language are sufficient enough; no word, no phrase. To me, this is one of less than maybe a handful of ideas since time immemorial that will prove to have such a thorough, beneficial impact on mankind.