
Teaching girls that they CAN defend themselves

I am interested in becoming a certified trainer for Just Yell Fire. I gained my Master's degree in Library Science last May with an emphasis in children's and youth services, and hope to find a job soon as a public librarian. With the amount of contact I will have in that field with young and teenage girls, as well as contacts with schools and other libraries, I would like to find out how to become involved and help promote your program.

I have been training in aikido as a self-defense art since June, and will be testing for my first rank soon. The more I learned in aikido, the more it made me aware of how girls and women in America are socialized about violence. Movies, television, and popular media seem to promote the belief that girls and women cannot win or escape in a situation where we are under attack by a man. Recognizing this made me interested in finding out what programs were already available to promote girls' and women's self-defense. I discovered Just Yell Fire by Googling "women's self-defense". I was thrilled to find that someone has begun a movement to counter that socialization early in women's lives, beginning with teaching the girls who are most at risk that they CAN defend themselves and escape an attacker, even if their attacker is much larger. I myself am only 5'1", and the techniques that eliminate an attacker's advantage of greater height are also especially applicable to me.

I live in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, and I would like any information available on training for certification for Just Yell Fire, either locally or in neighboring states if necessary. Many thanks to you, Dallas, and everyone else involved with Just Yell Fire for your caring and hard work.

My daughter (a St. Mary's student) was really impacted by this project and the powerful information within.

I am a wife, a mother and a student. Watching Montel Williams, they show the segment of your dvd. I COMMEND the young girls for thinking of this. you girls are amazing. To the Crew, I think you guys are awesome. I'm glad someone finally made a dvd to show girls my younger sisters age(14) actually doing this. this shows that they are capable of doing it themself. NO female should become a victim because she can not protect herself. THANK YOU! Comming from a Daughter, a Mother, and most of all, an older sister. I really commend you guys.

Thank you for doing this.

Make a difference in this world

Just a quick note to let you know how much we ALL enjoyed the program on Saturday...AND how much we enjoyed meeting you, Dallas & Matt! The day turned out to be even more than we had hoped for...valuable information...wonderful people...and sincere commitment to make a difference in this world. You are all very special...

We would like to have you return to Sequim next year...

Thanks Again, Missy, Soroptimists Club of Sequim

We are always looking for good, interesting and helpful programs to offer our patrons. We are lucky that we live in a low crime area, but it is true that crime has no boundaries, and it's always best to be prepared.

Please send me a DVD so I can share it with my students. I will share it with whoever I can, and convince people to show it. With this project you have truely made a difference in the lives of hundreds of young women. I saw you on the Montel Williams show and was very impressed with your maturity and your dedication to helping others. You have no idea the ripples you have started with this project and I hope you ladies have a wonderful and fulfilling life for all the good you have done.

The DVD is a great Help, our 19 cheerleaders were impressed, they talked things over..we got in a big circle and then we practiced all the hits/kicks/ and we had a black belt from our YMCA come in and he held their arm, they all got away, it was the most fun I've had in a long time, and I was proud of the girls for putting effort and concentration into what they were doing. I think they learned what they needed to learn.

Hi Dallas,

First of all my daughter and I love Just Yell Fire!
I run my own Personal Self Defense program, It's a family run side business, nothing big.
I have been involved in the Martial Arts since 1990, I train with people of all ages and I saw your Just Yell Fire dvd a few years ago and I have had my daughter who is now a teenager OMG! watch with me and her friends. Usually when they sleep over this is how I introduce the dvd, sometimes my daughter gives me the look like "dad really? Now."…lol  but I get them to watch and I really think this is a Great tool for all girls to have! To give them a sense of knowing they can fight back!  To know how to defend themselves with basic life saving Techniques.  I will be posting your link to my NPSDT page on Facebook.
Thank you for this DVD! And for having it out there for anyone to see.

Once again.

I saw your segment on Montel the other day. What a wonderful thing you have done for all women and young girls. I do not have any daughters, but have two young future daughters-in-law. Thank you once again, you will never know how many lives you have saved.

What a great work you all are doing!! I myself have been concerned when out in public what to do if ever I got in a similar situation. I feel it would help me as well as other moms & young women. I can't tell you how thankful I am to have such a resource and to have the subject addressed with a solution to offer. So often we hear about the tragedies with no solution.
Thanks so much for your labor of love to all