
I am the Director of Marketing at Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/Willamette. This film is amazing. Many thanks.

This is something all schools should be showing in their Health classes.

Thank you for the work you have done here...It's strong-minded young women like the ones who came up with the concept who will make such a difference for a lot of girls and teens. I think this is a topic that many parents are afraid to broach with their daughters, because they are afraid that they will soil their child's view of humanity. However, after what happened to my daughter, I know how necessary it is. You can NEVER start too early teaching your daughters about this, it can mean all the difference in the world!

I did a self defense speech two weeks ago. Another student came to me and told me she had got the Just Yell Fire DVD. A few of her daughter's friends were approached a week ago, they were lucky enough to get away. Now her daughter is taking the DVD to school for her class to watch. I'm again SO happy that you have made this movie, and I'm glad that there are girls learning to defend themselves. THANK YOU!!!

Hi there! I can't believe your story about how this film got started. But it's amazing. Congratulations on your successful journey, and by helping so many teen girls. But not only are you guys helping out young teen girls, you are helping out adult women. I myself, like so many others have been victimized by sexual assault. The ones who hurt me were never charged. I have two little girls, ages 3 and 8 months, and of course they are so young, I want them to have the opportunity to be able to protect themselves as they grow into adults. By having this video I will be able to help protect them, my nieces, and also my sisters and any other woman I have in my family and friends. I seen you guys on Montel today, and I cried, and cried. It's amazing what you can do if you really want to promote change. I'm so proud of you both, being a mother like I said, I pray to God each and every second that my girls will be just like you guys. Wanting to change things for the better.

My heart goes out to you and your crew for what you all have done.
Thank you again, but remember one thing that I tell my friends who have been hurt... You are NOT a victim, you ARE a survivor inside and out.

With love always, and forever!

Greetings. I am the manager of the central parole office in Multnomah County, and your presentation has just been brought to my attention. I also manage a team of sex offender officers, and wanted to say Iā€™m most impressed with this production. You are certainly to be congratulated. I would like to help spread this important information.

I wish my parents had been as safety minded. I was ninteen when I encountered a stalker at work. I had moved from home to attend college and worked part-time. This stalker harassed me at work, followed me to my apartment and charmed his way inside. He raped me. I didn't know to file a police report, go to the hospital to document the rape, or file a restraining order against this individual. The trauma of the rape and fear of how my father would react kept me from saying anything. Thank you, for preparing a DVD that shows self defense moves and safety issues.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I have tried to involve both my children in role playing situations so that they can think about what they are empowered to do in any difficult situation - - to think outside the box and to throw "respect" out the window if they are in danger of another person.

Your video sounds terrific!! I plan to show it to my kids' friends (with parental permission, of course), their parents, girl scout buddies, my friend who is a realtor who I worry about since she is around so many strangers in vacant homes. I'm a teacher and I work with lots of women who need this. One teacher I work with was attacked in a fast food parking lot in the middle of the day. She was knocked to the ground and mugged before she knew what hit her. I can think of so many people who would benefit by this dvd. God bless!

I saw this advertised in In Touch magazine. It is such a great idea! I have friends that have teenage daughters and mine are also reaching that age. Thank you!

I read about the wonderful JYF project in my latest People magazine, and immediately had to check out your website. I watched with horror the videotaped abduction of Carly Brucia, and made my 14 year-old daughter watch it as well. This is truly a parent's worst nightmare.

Thank you for this important work.