
I saw you guys on GMA this morning and you are doing a really wonderful thing. I was watching with the intent to have my younger sister who is 17 and going to start college in September...learn some "tricks" for when she is on campus. Yet, I learned "tricks" and advice for myself, a 27 year old single girl living in NYC.

I am a social worker who works with many young women in the community. I believe that Just yell Fire is a wonderful tool for increasing self-esteem and encouraging women to be proactive. This is a tool I want to share with my clients in the field.

Thank you!

I think what you are doing is great, I am proud to live in a world where there are still people out there who care. I am gonna hang on to this cd for my daughter for when she gets a little bit older. Thank you!!!

I saw you on the Montel Williams show recently and I was just SO impressed! The number of lives affected by your video is incomprehensible and I have to applaud you for creative spirit and willingness to take action to do something for the welfare of others.

I have a 8 nieces and I would like to show them all your DVD, so I was wondering if you would please send me a copy. I filled out the order form to make a donation. I sure hope you get enough responses so that you can get this important information out nationwide - and beyond!

Shirley and I have both seen this video and feel it is one of the brightest productions that every woman of any age should watch and learn from!

Hi. I saw you girls on Montel and I wanted to take a moment to say Thank-You. The number of girls you both are helping through this video is more than you could ever imagine. I live in Eastern Canada and have taken your video and sent it out to our local Community Collage to be sent out to all the students as these techniques are some that can be used by anyone, at any age. I also hope to make it available to the elementry and high school kids in town. We live in a small community, less than 5000 people approx., and everyone here believes it is a safe place. Because of parents beliefs, no one is taking the time to teach our girls what to do if they find themselves in danger. Although we all want to protect our kids, keeping them in the dark about what happens in the world is not the way. I fully believe this nietivity was party of what led to me being raped by someone I thought was a friend when I was 15. I wish I had known what to do then, but knowing that it is here to help the next girl is enough. Please keep doing what you are doing. And from me alone, Thank-You for keeping my family safe. My daughters (5 & 12) and myself (27).

As a father of three females I applaud you and your work. I am a sex-ed teacher in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area and we cover date rape in our middle school curricula. I hope that you continue to advocate for young females and empower them to live a more fear free life.

God bless you and your service, and please tell all those associated with “Just Yell Fire” well done and blessings as well

I loved your project.

It resonated.

I teach martial arts and care about the students.

Thank you for your vision.

I attended the 2009 International Student Leadership Conference, at which Dallas Jessup spoke to everyone and then conducted a workshop to teach us how to defend ourselves, which I also attended. Since her speech, I have become increasingly passionate in the fight against domestic violence. I have helped with projects and fundraisers for the past two years, and this year, I am trying to start a club at my school that focuses on raising awareness and raising money to help fight against domestic violence. I was wondering if there would be any possible way that Dallas Jessup could come and speak to our school briefly about the warning signs of a dangerous situation, and how to defend ourselves if ever caught in one. Also to talk about how she has changed the world with her film and book, and anything else she wishes to speak to the student body about. I am sure that our school would be honored to have her speak to us.

How proud you must be of your daughter and her friend for their efforts at creating such a fantastic film. A friend loaned me the DVD and I watched it with my 14 year old daughter last night. VERY POWERFUL!!! My daughter was on the verge of tears during the date rape scene, as my niece, her cousin, was in a similar situation and was unfortunately not prepared.

I would love to have a copy to share with my daughters campfire troop and would also like to review it over and over so that both my daughters are prepared in such an attack situation.

Thank you again for making the film available to everyone. It is invaluable information for our daughters!

With Appreciation