
Just dropped in to salute your work. I'm with you. I'm doing my second year under graduate in Chennai, TN, India. If there s something I can do for this cause, I m ready to. Salute once again n keep going. My wishes to you.

I received the DVD on Wednesday and we watched it right away. I loved how it explained, in detail, exactly what the girls were doing. You gave ideas I'd never thought of, such as pulling on the ears. I'd thought of the eyes, but never gave it much thought as to using more than one finger and concentrating on only one eye.

Thank you so much for the DVD. I hope your valuable message spreads all across the country! God Bless!

This will save lives

Hey kid I have watched the downloaded version of justyellfire.


I'm a cop in NASHVILLE, TN. and a School Resource Officer,I'm currently assigned to Hume Fogg High School.

I think this is the best thing since peanut butter.

I would like to see if I can get this into the wellness program at school for all the girls.


My daughter (a St. Mary's student) was really impacted by this project and the powerful information within.

I was so excited to hear about the DVD - "Just Yell Fire". The reviews are excellent. I look forward to receiving the DVD and utilizing the information to help teenage girls with self defense. Thanks so much for your consideration in this matter!

I have six young nieces (and one nephew) and have tried to teach them how to prevent an abduction or unwanted touching. I taught them to yell 'fire' as loudly as possible, thinking it would get more attention than 'help'. I am happy to see that I wsa doing it right. I applaud what you and this team have accomplished and I plan to promote the DVD to everyone I know. Thank you for your dedication to this project.

Hi there, I saw you on the Montel show today and I have to say KUDOS to all of you who were involved in the making of this video!!!

You have strength and hearts of gold for spreading awareness of this kind. I have 3 daughters, aged 14, 8, and 6, and I can't stress enough as to the worry that I have on a daily basis being their mother, I worry about them walking to and home from school, about playing outside, and even being in a public place with their father and I, all it takes is a split second for someone to grab them.
You are all in my prayers and God is holding a special place for you all.

Hi, I watched you guys on the Montel Williams show, and I thought this was the best thing anyone has ever done. Especially for females. Thank you so much.

Hi Girls,

I saw you on Montel this morning and wanted to tell you how awesome I think you are for doing an awareness video for not only teens but anyone. I am a mother of four children three boys and one girl. I would love to have a dvd to teach them how to protect themselves. I also plan to take the dvd to the local schools and see if I can get them on board with your mission to protect people from predators. Keep up the good!

Teaching girls that they CAN defend themselves

I am interested in becoming a certified trainer for Just Yell Fire. I gained my Master's degree in Library Science last May with an emphasis in children's and youth services, and hope to find a job soon as a public librarian. With the amount of contact I will have in that field with young and teenage girls, as well as contacts with schools and other libraries, I would like to find out how to become involved and help promote your program.

I have been training in aikido as a self-defense art since June, and will be testing for my first rank soon. The more I learned in aikido, the more it made me aware of how girls and women in America are socialized about violence. Movies, television, and popular media seem to promote the belief that girls and women cannot win or escape in a situation where we are under attack by a man. Recognizing this made me interested in finding out what programs were already available to promote girls' and women's self-defense. I discovered Just Yell Fire by Googling "women's self-defense". I was thrilled to find that someone has begun a movement to counter that socialization early in women's lives, beginning with teaching the girls who are most at risk that they CAN defend themselves and escape an attacker, even if their attacker is much larger. I myself am only 5'1", and the techniques that eliminate an attacker's advantage of greater height are also especially applicable to me.

I live in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, and I would like any information available on training for certification for Just Yell Fire, either locally or in neighboring states if necessary. Many thanks to you, Dallas, and everyone else involved with Just Yell Fire for your caring and hard work.