
How proud you must be of your daughter and her friend for their efforts at creating such a fantastic film. A friend loaned me the DVD and I watched it with my 14 year old daughter last night. VERY POWERFUL!!! My daughter was on the verge of tears during the date rape scene, as my niece, her cousin, was in a similar situation and was unfortunately not prepared.

I would love to have a copy to share with my daughters campfire troop and would also like to review it over and over so that both my daughters are prepared in such an attack situation.

Thank you again for making the film available to everyone. It is invaluable information for our daughters!

With Appreciation

Hi Dallas,

First of all my daughter and I love Just Yell Fire!
I run my own Personal Self Defense program, It's a family run side business, nothing big.
I have been involved in the Martial Arts since 1990, I train with people of all ages and I saw your Just Yell Fire dvd a few years ago and I have had my daughter who is now a teenager OMG! watch with me and her friends. Usually when they sleep over this is how I introduce the dvd, sometimes my daughter gives me the look like "dad really? Now."…lol  but I get them to watch and I really think this is a Great tool for all girls to have! To give them a sense of knowing they can fight back!  To know how to defend themselves with basic life saving Techniques.  I will be posting your link to my NPSDT page on Facebook.
Thank you for this DVD! And for having it out there for anyone to see.

Once again.

I think this is a wonderful thing. As a mother of teen girls, and a rape survivor, I think anything we can do to help our girls be safe and to empower them is wonderful.

First I would like to say Thank You for caring enough about other people to create such a wonderful, informative movie! I just learned about your DVD on Montel Williams, and as a mother of 6 daughters it definitely caught my attention! I would like to request a DVD of "Just Yell Fire" so I can show my daughters, as well as try to get it shown at our school, etc. You should be very proud of yourselves, not only have you touched many lives, you have saved many lives! Thank you again!

A Big Fan

I think that you both are doing an amazing and inspiring job making this video. It could effect mostly teenage girls. It could save a tune of girls all around the world. I know a friend that was followed by an elderly man, so instead of fighting him or doing something she just ran! He could have followed her home and done pretty bad things to her. I am 12 years old almost 13 and I was almost kidnapped! After I saw the Montel show, I knew that I had to see your website and look at the video. It is truly inspiring!!! Around my area here in Toronto there are a lot of girls who were being kidnpped and they only yelled out help and they didn't do anything. I live in Toronto. Even the most smallest children are being kidnapped in my area! So, in my school they always say to be very careful and we always get newsletters saying if there is someone in the neighboor hood or if a man got released from jail. Our principal is very caring and has codes for when strangers come in. Code red means that there is a man inside the school. So, we get down and lock the doors and hide until it is safe. Code yellow is when someone is around the area. Code orange is when someone is in the school yard. I am a big fan and you are so brave!!! I wish I could be like you and be so brave!!!

Dear Dallas,

20 more High School students were empowered Pope John Paul II High School in Hyannis, Mass..Cape Cod...We watched the video...and practiced the techniques on each one hour...I could see some of our students who didnt think they could "fight back"...or fight like as girl...really believe that they could be powerful in their own way and not be a victim!!

God Bless you for your work empowering young women! Peace and Blessings,

I am a Disabled Veteran and a grandfather of Sixteen. I would have been the proud grandfather of another little one, but I guess GOD wanted him to be in Heaven with HIM. I will see him later and what a joy that will be. I have eight granddaughters and eight grandsons. I would not take a million dollars for any of them. Maybe two million would do it. No just kidding. They all are the light in my life. One grandson is old enough and has finished Navy training and is a Corpman with the Marines and will be going to Iraq or Afghanistan in January or February. Please remember him in your prayers. His name is Frankie.
I want to thank you all for making this film. It is something that should have been made a long time ago. I wonder just how many young lives would have been different if this film had been made sooner. I pray all who watch this, will never experience anything bad and if in a situation will know what to do because of this film. May GOD bless and reward everyone who was a part of this film.

I'm a retired Police Officer and know full well the unfortunate dangers that are out there in our society today. Thank you for taking the time and effort to put this video together, you are a credit to your generation.

This is an awesome video! my last two girlfriends were both sexually assaulted in college. neither defended themselves (adequately) and neither later reported.

I have a niece who is a freshman at college and I seriously FEAR for her safety because she is a shy girl. I will send her this link to view and post on my Myspace as a Bulletin tonight. You're very courageous and the World needs more women like you!


Hi Girls,

I saw you on Montel this morning and wanted to tell you how awesome I think you are for doing an awareness video for not only teens but anyone. I am a mother of four children three boys and one girl. I would love to have a dvd to teach them how to protect themselves. I also plan to take the dvd to the local schools and see if I can get them on board with your mission to protect people from predators. Keep up the good!