
Do you two know how much you have inspired me? I'm a 13 year old in Salinas California. Nobody has tried to attack, kidnap, or rape me so far, but if it was to happen, I now know how to protect myself. You two have helped my friend though, she was walking home from school and she remembered to "just yell fire". Thank you two so much!!

Thanks for being a true inspiration

Fantastic. I'm a father of a 13 year old girl and a 15 year old boy.

I've been after both to take some courses. Hopefully this video will help motivate them or at least teach them a few things that could help.

From what I've seen so far of the movie, I'm going to tie them both in a chair and make them watch it.

Thanks again...

First I would like to say Thank You for caring enough about other people to create such a wonderful, informative movie! I just learned about your DVD on Montel Williams, and as a mother of 6 daughters it definitely caught my attention! I would like to request a DVD of "Just Yell Fire" so I can show my daughters, as well as try to get it shown at our school, etc. You should be very proud of yourselves, not only have you touched many lives, you have saved many lives! Thank you again!

These two girls have done a wonderful service for all young girls who may be possible targets for a predator. I commend them for their insight and determination to help others.

Hi, saw Dallas on the Today Show the other day, I think this is fantastic. I've got two daughters, 11 & 19, I would love to get a Just Yell Fire DVD for them. I'm so excited about this, I'm always telling my girls (and not just my daughters, but their friends & my nieces) to be safe and giving them the few safety tips that I know. Again, this is fabulous, and I can't believe you're doing it for free. If there's anyway I could help, I would love to, I think it's so important that girls know that they can save their selves. Thank-you so much for all your doing,

Thank you so much for everything that you have done with your involvment in 'Just yell fire'. I have a 13 year old daughter with a bunch of very close friends. As soon as we get our d.v.d. we will be having a pizza night with them all and watching "JUST YELL FIRE". The world needs more people like you.

I watched the Montel Williams show and I was impressed that such young girls have stepped up to help others. I have a daughter, and I think that this movie would benefit her, and give my husband and I a little peace, knowing that she has the information needed to ward off a possible attack.

I am a social worker who works with many young women in the community. I believe that Just yell Fire is a wonderful tool for increasing self-esteem and encouraging women to be proactive. This is a tool I want to share with my clients in the field.

Thank you!

What an awsome service to our young women your daughter and her friend has done. I heard you on The Clark Howard show this evening on my way back to work and wanted to let you know (as if you didn't already know) what a truly wonderful daughter you have. I would love to show this dvd to my youth group and their parents at my church. May God continue to bless your daughter in her road to saving the young women of our world.


You are all outstanding people for doing something like this, taking the risk, and following your program all the way through. Think of the power you are giving young girls. Wow!! Thank you very much.