
First off I would like to thank you for volunteering your time to help save teenage girls against predators. Your dedication to assist in making the world a safer place is a great asset to our Country. THANK YOU!!

What I am interested in is sharing this Just Yell Fire DVD with our School Resource Officer(s) and of course with family members of my own. I think the video will show girls that it is ok to fight off a predator and though fear may try to take over they will more than likely be better off if they over come the fear and fight for all they are worth.....

I would like to receive a minimum of 10 DVD's. I do not mind purchasing the DVD's from you, or donating a set amount to your non-profit organization. Please let me know what you would like for me to do.

Again, thank you for all you do and if I can be of any assistance please let me know.

Thank You for what you have done for every girl in this country....

Having been a survivor of date rape in my teens I try to educate my 14 yr old daughter daily but sometimes I think it falls on deaf ears I'm hoping this DVD will EMPOWER her the way I was not...

Thanks Again.

I want to start out by saying thank you for making this video, I think it will help a lot of young girls defend themselves from an attacker. I have several nieces that I want to see this video so that maybe they will know how to act if they ever find themselves in an unthinkable situation. I wished I had known about something like that when I was a teenager/young woman. I was date raped when I was twenty years old and I did not think there was anything that I could do because I went with this guy on my own free will. I tried to fight back but it was not enough. Please send me this video because I want the girls in my family to be prepared.

I was raped by 2 men on my 17th birthday. I was a virgin. I am interested in informing other young women about this. I am now 46, but it had totally affected my whole life. My husband tells me I should try to help others, he is right because it might finally help me after all these years.

I watched 'Just Yell Fire', and told my form tutor at school about it. It's now going to be shown to everyone in the school, and hopefully they will show their friends at other schools as well. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved in the program for creating it; I know several people who have been in similar situations to those shown on the video, and they appreciate so much that something is finally being done to raise awareness of it, so that others will not be so unfortunate.

THANK YOU for making this available. The statistics are out of control. It's time girls learned to stand up and take control of the situation - too long they have been seen as easy prey!! Thank you!

I just finished watching "Just Yell Fire". It was a very powerful statement for the rights of young women to be safe! Thank you.


White County Ninth Grade Academy

Just dropped in to salute your work. I'm with you. I'm doing my second year under graduate in Chennai, TN, India. If there s something I can do for this cause, I m ready to. Salute once again n keep going. My wishes to you.

I train and teach Soo Bahk Do in the Mount Vernon Washington area. While looking at one of our regional web sites, there was an article on Just Yell Fire and how it was created.

I'd personally like to thank you and all involved for providing awareness to not only women but people of all ages. Awareness is an important key.

I've recently been asked to provide self defense training to my fellow co workers (nurses) and their children.

I look forward to sharing my information and requesting all attendees watch your video-then pay it forward to family, friends and loved ones. It's this type of crucial information that should be required viewing (and learning) in all schools.

What a gift it would be to each and every recipient!

Again, thank you to all for creating such an important film. May it travel around the world and touch the lives of millions!

I truly believe your program is a Godsend...this world we live in is a wonderful and beautiful place, but there are "MONSTERS" out there. You are educating parents and children, not just girls but the boy's as well, on how to be prepared to deal with them. Thank you and God Bless.