
Hi Dallas,

First of all my daughter and I love Just Yell Fire!
I run my own Personal Self Defense program, It's a family run side business, nothing big.
I have been involved in the Martial Arts since 1990, I train with people of all ages and I saw your Just Yell Fire dvd a few years ago and I have had my daughter who is now a teenager OMG! watch with me and her friends. Usually when they sleep over this is how I introduce the dvd, sometimes my daughter gives me the look like "dad really? Now."…lol  but I get them to watch and I really think this is a Great tool for all girls to have! To give them a sense of knowing they can fight back!  To know how to defend themselves with basic life saving Techniques.  I will be posting your link to my NPSDT page on Facebook.
Thank you for this DVD! And for having it out there for anyone to see.

Once again.

Just watched the trailer...goose pimples...looks like it is gonna be great...gave them my email for notification on when it is ready...thanks for letting me know about this

I was raped by 2 men on my 17th birthday. I was a virgin. I am interested in informing other young women about this. I am now 46, but it had totally affected my whole life. My husband tells me I should try to help others, he is right because it might finally help me after all these years.

I watched the Montel Williams show and I was impressed that such young girls have stepped up to help others. I have a daughter, and I think that this movie would benefit her, and give my husband and I a little peace, knowing that she has the information needed to ward off a possible attack.

What a great work you all are doing!! I myself have been concerned when out in public what to do if ever I got in a similar situation. I feel it would help me as well as other moms & young women. I can't tell you how thankful I am to have such a resource and to have the subject addressed with a solution to offer. So often we hear about the tragedies with no solution.
Thanks so much for your labor of love to all

I want to start out by saying thank you for making this video, I think it will help a lot of young girls defend themselves from an attacker. I have several nieces that I want to see this video so that maybe they will know how to act if they ever find themselves in an unthinkable situation. I wished I had known about something like that when I was a teenager/young woman. I was date raped when I was twenty years old and I did not think there was anything that I could do because I went with this guy on my own free will. I tried to fight back but it was not enough. Please send me this video because I want the girls in my family to be prepared.

I was just watching Monte Williams' show and I saw you guys there talking about the video that would help millions and millions girls out there. I've always wanted to help kids who have cancer. That show inspired me to make a difference in someone's life. You guys did a good job. GOOD JOB!!!!

The greatest defence a person has is knowledge. This project will be a great learning tool to empower our kids. We need more projects like this.

The DVD is a great Help, our 19 cheerleaders were impressed, they talked things over..we got in a big circle and then we practiced all the hits/kicks/ and we had a black belt from our YMCA come in and he held their arm, they all got away, it was the most fun I've had in a long time, and I was proud of the girls for putting effort and concentration into what they were doing. I think they learned what they needed to learn.

I just wanted to say that what you're doing is an absolutely AMAZING thing. I am one of the Managers at the Build a Bear Workshop in Annapolis MD and I discovered your organization after flipping through a preview of our upcoming Huggable Heroes calendar. While it's always great to see kids helping other kids, in 6 years a BABW, none of the organizations ever REALLY hit home with me...but your's definitely did. I am 23 now, but when I was 16...I had a boyfriend that brutally attacked me. I feel like knowing more about how to fight back might've not only prevented the first incident, but things I went through for two and a half years with this boy after the fact. A film like your film would've really been a great thing to see in school...or anywhere really. So, while this isn't a strong enough word by any stretch of the imagination, kudos on what you've done and continue to do here!!!