
I am the media Specialist at Wittenberg Elementary/Middle School and I just downloaded your "Just Yell Fire!" for our School nurse. In watching the beginning to see if the download worked, I was instantly drawn in by how good it was. I watched the entire program and will be having my 17 year old daughter watch it tonight. Thank you for making available such a well done presentation on a very important topic. Our pre-teen and teenage girls need to hear repeatedly that they have the right to say "NO!" and that they can change their minds. They also need to know what to do if they find themselves in one of these situations.

I am a Disabled Veteran and a grandfather of Sixteen. I would have been the proud grandfather of another little one, but I guess GOD wanted him to be in Heaven with HIM. I will see him later and what a joy that will be. I have eight granddaughters and eight grandsons. I would not take a million dollars for any of them. Maybe two million would do it. No just kidding. They all are the light in my life. One grandson is old enough and has finished Navy training and is a Corpman with the Marines and will be going to Iraq or Afghanistan in January or February. Please remember him in your prayers. His name is Frankie.
I want to thank you all for making this film. It is something that should have been made a long time ago. I wonder just how many young lives would have been different if this film had been made sooner. I pray all who watch this, will never experience anything bad and if in a situation will know what to do because of this film. May GOD bless and reward everyone who was a part of this film.

I have six young nieces (and one nephew) and have tried to teach them how to prevent an abduction or unwanted touching. I taught them to yell 'fire' as loudly as possible, thinking it would get more attention than 'help'. I am happy to see that I wsa doing it right. I applaud what you and this team have accomplished and I plan to promote the DVD to everyone I know. Thank you for your dedication to this project.

Hi, I watched you guys on the Montel Williams show, and I thought this was the best thing anyone has ever done. Especially for females. Thank you so much.

You are a remarkable young woman. This morning I saw an interview with you and your mother. The clips of the movie were wonderful. What you have done would be considered a major life accomplishment at any age. To recognize the need and produce an educational film at your age is nothing short of extraordinary. May I join your mom in saying how proud I am of you!

What an awsome service to our young women your daughter and her friend has done. I heard you on The Clark Howard show this evening on my way back to work and wanted to let you know (as if you didn't already know) what a truly wonderful daughter you have. I would love to show this dvd to my youth group and their parents at my church. May God continue to bless your daughter in her road to saving the young women of our world.


What a wonderful tool. I have a daughter who is 14 and with special needs. This is done so well I think she will be able to do it and understand it.

I have sent a link to the schools here and asked them to please consider showing it to the girls.

Thank you to all that put this together. Fantastic job!

I took self-defense classes for over 2 years and I am now an instructor. I told all of the women I have taught about your website and what you have been doing for the world. I'm so grateful that there are people like you that let girls know that they have the right to be treated with respect and to defend themselves when necessary.

You would have been so proud of Dallas today. She stood up in front of our 400 students with the greatest poise and composure. She drew them in from the start and had them laughing and listening at the same time. I shared the DVD with a girls school in Memphis.

Thank you for your help in connecting us with Dallas.

I read about the wonderful JYF project in my latest People magazine, and immediately had to check out your website. I watched with horror the videotaped abduction of Carly Brucia, and made my 14 year-old daughter watch it as well. This is truly a parent's worst nightmare.

Thank you for this important work.