
First off I want to tell you I saw you on Montel & thought what you are doing is very impressive. It is wonderful seeing teenagers doing something so productive to help others in the community.

Not only does your video help teen girls & women, but I want to order one to have my young son watch it to help fight off any child predator that might try to abduct him. I really think your video should be shown to all young children as well to prepare them for circumstances that may arise such as attempted child abduction. Unfortunately we see all too often on the news what happens to young children who are caught off guard by these predators. Your video is a wonderful tool to help better prepare children to defend themselves. Again, thank you for making such a wonderful video to help others.
I will pass the word on to everyone I know.

A Big Fan

I think that you both are doing an amazing and inspiring job making this video. It could effect mostly teenage girls. It could save a tune of girls all around the world. I know a friend that was followed by an elderly man, so instead of fighting him or doing something she just ran! He could have followed her home and done pretty bad things to her. I am 12 years old almost 13 and I was almost kidnapped! After I saw the Montel show, I knew that I had to see your website and look at the video. It is truly inspiring!!! Around my area here in Toronto there are a lot of girls who were being kidnpped and they only yelled out help and they didn't do anything. I live in Toronto. Even the most smallest children are being kidnapped in my area! So, in my school they always say to be very careful and we always get newsletters saying if there is someone in the neighboor hood or if a man got released from jail. Our principal is very caring and has codes for when strangers come in. Code red means that there is a man inside the school. So, we get down and lock the doors and hide until it is safe. Code yellow is when someone is around the area. Code orange is when someone is in the school yard. I am a big fan and you are so brave!!! I wish I could be like you and be so brave!!!

I saw you on the Montel Williams show the other day. Wow, what a blessing you two are. I sure wish that I could have seen something like that when I was in my early teens. I have a 12 year old daughter and a 14 year old son. Thank you so much for your time and ambition. I am sure there will be many lives saved through watching this. Thank you!!!

I was just watching Monte Williams' show and I saw you guys there talking about the video that would help millions and millions girls out there. I've always wanted to help kids who have cancer. That show inspired me to make a difference in someone's life. You guys did a good job. GOOD JOB!!!!

I can't begin to tell you how relieved I am to see that our youth are concerned about this topic. I am a troop leader for Girl Scouts of the Rio Grande, in El PAso, Texas, and a detention officer for El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department. I currently run the Studio 2B Program ( Girl Scouts) which is a program designed by girls for girls at the Juvenile Probation Department. It appears that our youth are fed up with abuse and rape. One of the focus series books is called "Take Charge" and it is about rape and abuse. In the book it also recommends to "yell fire" for the same reasons you described. Your video , along with my group will be most helpful and impactful. I will definately forward your link to Girl Scouts of the Rio Grande.

How proud you must be of your daughter and her friend for their efforts at creating such a fantastic film. A friend loaned me the DVD and I watched it with my 14 year old daughter last night. VERY POWERFUL!!! My daughter was on the verge of tears during the date rape scene, as my niece, her cousin, was in a similar situation and was unfortunately not prepared.

I would love to have a copy to share with my daughters campfire troop and would also like to review it over and over so that both my daughters are prepared in such an attack situation.

Thank you again for making the film available to everyone. It is invaluable information for our daughters!

With Appreciation

I have watched the DVD and I think you have done a great and creative job. I think it will be quite valuable to young girls. I have 6 grand-daughters and I am very much concerned for their safety. I think your work is a great step forward in helping to keep young women safe. Also I really think your statements as to worth and self-esteem as well as "rights" was an added touch of tremendous importance. Thanks again.

We are always looking for good, interesting and helpful programs to offer our patrons. We are lucky that we live in a low crime area, but it is true that crime has no boundaries, and it's always best to be prepared.

I watched 'Just Yell Fire', and told my form tutor at school about it. It's now going to be shown to everyone in the school, and hopefully they will show their friends at other schools as well. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved in the program for creating it; I know several people who have been in similar situations to those shown on the video, and they appreciate so much that something is finally being done to raise awareness of it, so that others will not be so unfortunate.

I was very impressed with what I saw on the Good Morning America show back in March on this project. The people who brought this video together should be very proud of themselves. It is an important topic and one that ever young person should know about.