
I saw this video advertised in the In Touch magazine. What a wonderful idea.

I work in a junior high school with behaviour disorder kids, needless to say these girls don't live in the safest neighbourhoods. Although abductions happen everywhere, I worry that these girls I work with are at an increased risk of abduction, assault, etc.

Kudos to the ladies who thought of this, they are remarkable.

I will be sharing this with my daughter and my nieces, as I have 9 - and they all could definately use this information. This world is full of predators looking to take advantage of our young innocent girls, I know, because I used to be one myself. If I would have had the knowledge ahead of time - things might have turned out very different for me. My hope is, that your DVD will help my girls to be aware of their strengths, and their surroundings, and be in control of their situation, should something happen to them - God forbid.

Thank you for making this important DVD, and supplying it to the public.

Good luck on your CNN Heroes nomination!!!! You deserve it.

I just watched the 'Montel Williams Show' and saw your segment. I was very impressed with the young girls and their inspirational story. I have a young daughter who we talk to on a regular basis about what to do in an emergency situation, along with weekly classes of karate. Unfortunately for her father and I we may have more reason to be overly protective of our kids...almost eight years ago my husband's sister was kidnapped and later found murdered, the killer still remains unknown. I feel that this DVD could bring us comfort in knowing that if faced with a dangerous situation our children would have a better advantage of getting away safely!

Thanks for your story and God bless you for sharing this with the nation!

I work at a fortune 500 company and am trying to get the Just Yell Fire site information out to all the people in our company so that any of them with preteen or teen girls in their family can get a copy of this movie if they believe it’s appropriate. Living in the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area of Florida it is common to hear about an abduction and occasionally a girl lucky enough to get away. I used to take Judo as a kid and took a bit of Wing Chung Kung Fu. I had heard of Escrima, Jeet Kune Do, Tae Kwon Do, Kempo Karate, and Savate as a Bruce Lee movie fan but I never heard of Filipino street fighting which from this video appears to be the best self defense martial art out there. Congrats to Dallas, I am surprised that teens would do this and not some Big Child Advocacy Group. Thank God they did and are giving it to young girls so they can get away from any sicko out there.

I'm a retired Police Officer and know full well the unfortunate dangers that are out there in our society today. Thank you for taking the time and effort to put this video together, you are a credit to your generation.

I am the Director of Marketing at Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/Willamette. This film is amazing. Many thanks.

Thank you for such a brilliant website and film. I will make the film required viewing for my teenage daughters!

Hi Maggie, I just heard you speaking on Clark Howard’s show a few minutes ago when I was in my car and went to your website as soon as I got back to my store. Not only is your daughter beautiful but also very bright and talented. You should be very proud.

You guys are doing such a wonderful thing for society. Keep up the good work.


What an incredible, relevant, and powerful video. I am a school counselor and also do a lot of teen and parent workshops at our local Y. I am also going to link it on my website, and tell every school counselor that I possibly can about this.

I commend your work and hope you realize how many lives you have saved! Thank you for making a difference. Thanks again!

As a fellow black belt I applaud what you are doing. And as a dad with 2 girls............Thank You!