
I wish my parents had been as safety minded. I was ninteen when I encountered a stalker at work. I had moved from home to attend college and worked part-time. This stalker harassed me at work, followed me to my apartment and charmed his way inside. He raped me. I didn't know to file a police report, go to the hospital to document the rape, or file a restraining order against this individual. The trauma of the rape and fear of how my father would react kept me from saying anything. Thank you, for preparing a DVD that shows self defense moves and safety issues.

I am a 13 year girl who attends middle school, and does ride the bus. My bus stop has one other girl, the same build and age as me. I am very weak, and don't play any sports whatsoever. For the past year, I have heard of many girls who were older and stronger than me get raped and taken away. Needless to say, I was frightened. What could happen to me?

My mom showed me and my little brother this video. After watching it, I emailed it to all my female friends and watched it over and over again to practice the actions used against a sexual offender. Thank you so much for letting everyone see this. Now I know that I have a chance against a 200 pound man or woman who tries to touch me. By the way, I thought the hair combing thing was brilliant, and the scoop kick was as well.

Hi Girls,

I saw you on Montel this morning and wanted to tell you how awesome I think you are for doing an awareness video for not only teens but anyone. I am a mother of four children three boys and one girl. I would love to have a dvd to teach them how to protect themselves. I also plan to take the dvd to the local schools and see if I can get them on board with your mission to protect people from predators. Keep up the good!

I am a social worker who works with many young women in the community. I believe that Just yell Fire is a wonderful tool for increasing self-esteem and encouraging women to be proactive. This is a tool I want to share with my clients in the field.

Thank you!

Please forward this to all corporate officers and board members:

As a mother of two young girls, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of such a worthy endeavor.

As a citizen of the United States of America and the great State of Oregon, your corporate sponsorship is a beacon and model to all other corporations that giving of corporate funds to the community is not only a duty of the corporate sector, but truly the backbone of what makes America such a great and noble country.

Directly due to your actions, not one, but many and even, perhaps, thousands of girls will be empowered by, "Just yell Fire!" and their lives spared from pain and even death.

As leaders of this corporation, you should be proud of your company, just as a parent is proud of a child.

Thank you for fulfilling the dreams of these young women to make a difference and save people all over the world from these horrible crimes.

I am a police officer and self defense instructor. My students are mainly college age. I think this will be a good training aid. Thank You

Your an amazing young lady. I applaud your efforts. I wish that when I was your age I had this type of information. My twin sister could have protected herself and never wouild have developed a drug problem. I saw you on Montel and haven't been able to get you out of my mind. Your one of the Angels God speaks of, that are put on this earth. We are truly blessed. Thank you again for trying to make this a safer place for women, we must all stick together. You have helped so many.

I was so impressed with the Just Yell Fire video that a few weeks ago I brought it to the attention of one of the guidance counselors at our local high school, Hinsdale Central High School, Hinsdale, Illinois. I got word from him today that he had shared the video with the school's physical education and health teachers. They thought it was great and they have decided to use it in their classes.

Hi, I am a Law Enforcement student in southern Minnesota. I would love to have information on how I can get a hold of this DVD for the schools in my area. Fabulous job. I have informed all of my online friends and my home town friends about your site for further information. I would like to take the DVD to the local schools. Thank you.

When I was 13 I was brutally raped, I thought I was going to die- and I should have died. I managed to get away somehow- then about a year or two later he attacked me again in my High school. I was wondering if I could get a copy of this so I could bring it to my high school- and so I could share it with my friends.

Thank you so much for what you are doing- it is amazing. Please, keep up the work- and I will help spread the word.